Friday, August 31, 2012

Drunk And Armed - Don't Work For Free!

Drunk And Armed - Don't Work For Free!

For Labor Day Weekend, Drunk And Armed presents the 6th track of The Politician E.P. BHO has been a bit busy, so the rest of the cast of characters had to step up.  This song is also the musical debut of Geerzerboy.

This interlude is something that will never be played at a Democrat or Republican rally.  It's a statement against working for free (obviously) but it has a bit less (to say the least) hyperbole.  It is also illustrates the difference between being paid and not, therefore it can be considered an installment of the "On Music" series.

(Pause player at right)

Wave File
320 kbps MP3
Ogg Vorbis

Written by SRL
BHO – Intro
Music – SRL
Cacophony: Geezerboy, Mr. B. Ligerent, SRL

Don't Work for free
You may call my music sloppy
You may say I sing off Key
But I ain't working for free
And no one's paying me
Not Me
No one's paying me
Not Me
It's what you get for free
I ain't working for free
No One's paying me
You get what you get
You'll get nothing from me
Think you're so bourgeois
Think you're middle class?
One paycheck gone
You're out on your ass
Don't Work for free

You're not free
If you're working for free
I'm not free
If you're working for free
What's wrong with you?
Why’re you working for free?

Repelling to the bottom
Still ends in the bottom of the sea

You're making someone else rich
Yeah that's what you are: bitch

Don't work for free
Not me

Help a friend
Donate your time to charity
Or some worthy cause
Or something you believe
But don't work for free
Not me

Donating ain't working
Don't work for free

Working for free
You're making someone rich
And it ain't you
Don't do it

Social workers
Government workers
Probably you

Adjunct faculty
Got a PHD
You make less money
Than in the fast food industry

No Class solidarity
Manipulate you
Make you feel guilty
Cut your pay for a polity

Paid for 40—work for 60

Was it really worth it?
To go into debt/To have no life
Just to be living paycheck-to-paycheck?
You ain't shit
You could have gotten a trade
Intern once
Don't do twice
Don't work for fee
Repelling to the bottom
Still ends in the bottom of the sea
Don't Work for free

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