100% D.I.Y. Drunk And Armed has been around since 2000 doing stuff, and annoying people. Music could be described as Post- Punk or Punk or Experimental or Punk Jazz, or Other, depending on what I feel like. Let the Music speak for itself.
Taking a break from BHO and his megalomania, here's something recorded in 2008 from the Drunk And Armed vault. Mr. B. Ligerent stopped by one night and we sung a lovely duet.
Written by SRL
Performed by SRL & Mr. B. Ligerent
You've forgotten who you are, and now you shall pay.
You're going down!
I was in the studio the other night chillin' when I heard a knock on the door. It was BHO and he was Drunk And Armed! He had spent the day at the range pounding tallboys. He was going on and on about shootin' pesky varmints. He said he wanted to do a song and had even written the lyrics. Not one to argue with an angry drunk packing a chrome plated .44 Magnum, I obliged. Fortunately, I had a drum and synth track ready so all I had to do was duck and jam on the guitar. -SRL
Drunk And Armed is in the House!
BHO here, with my main Honk E!
This song goes out to everyone who ain't me!
I got one shot left!
Under the pavement, the beach.
Overextended, we reach.
We can never learn.
We can watch it burn.
Anticipatory breach.
I got one shot left!
Power is about control.
negative magnetic pole.
Live in the media.
public opinion poll.
I got one shot left!
You worship the opposite.
Nothing but composite.
Of all the big things.
Lets us live like kings.
Interchangeable posit.
I got one shot left!
Damn I missed!
Give me another beer!
Searching for a Distraction.
We come out ahead for reaction.
Plant a true story.
Make it all gory.
Party to the transaction.
I got one shot left!
You prefer the fantasy.
Anything is blasphemy.
You want the supreme.
Give me some ice cream!
We feed on your apathy.
I got one shot left!
Yeah! Winged him!
Let's all give thanks we got banks.
They ain't a just shooting blanks
Celebrate the dream.
As you sour the cream.
We can always send in tanks.
I hear what you are saying.
Even though you be graying.
You want to be rich.
All you do is bitch.
For that I have a saying:
Eat Hot Lead!
I got one shot left!
Yeah! Moe Foe eat hot lead.
I ain't taking any of your shit no more.
I need another slug of that rot gut.
I got one shot left!
The status quo gotta go.
Like the w. t. o.?
Let's tear this place up!
Eat charred pancake cup!
Not henry david thoreau.
I got one shot left!
Who cares I am getting paid
Audiovisual aid
I Fold like laundry
And hypochondry
military blockade
I got one shot left!
Yee Haw!
Busting shit up is fun!
And I get paid to do it!
Shove it!
I got one shot left!
Fortunately for me, the other side is weak as hell. A couple more years of listening to their bullshit will make my empty rhetoric (not to mention bad poetry) look good by comparison.
Q: I know you hated GB far more than Obama. Why pick on him when you didn't Bush?
A: I did, but I did it at my current events blog. (And far worse than anything about Obama here. There's some people it's impossible to be satirical about. As you can see, I can push it. Basically, BHO is sometimes a composite of Bush and Obama (with a little bit of other politicians and assorted assholes. Their policies are so similar they could be a composite. An upcoming release will make that clear. See also "Obama likes Pie."
Q: Don't you care this is offensive to just about anyone who isn't Bin Laden?
A: No. I would hope to offend the Maximum extent possible. That's kind of the point. Also, I wouldn't want my music to be picked up by any real causes. It's propaganda as art. However, I seriously doubt an Islamic fundamentalist listens to punk rock. It is saying that fear makes us weak. Being ruled by insecurity means being truly ruled by others. We all go down together.
Q: Do you think you're part of the real "Rock N' Roll Underground."
A: I want to be just like G.G. Allin when I grow up
One thing: I would prefer honest contempt to shameless flattery in a politician. They might be thinking it, but they'll never say it.
Written by SRL
SRL-Keyboard, Drum Machine, Git
(Pause player at left.)
What no politician will ever say:
My fellow Americans. I'm going to level with you for the first time. I'm going to tell you what you need to hear, and screw you if you don't like it. You call yourself free. You are really nothing more than a pathetic peasant with delusions. You go on and on about democracy, but you wouldn't know what one looked like if it bit you on the ass. You think it means getting something for free. Nothing is free in this world and you're going to pay. You can pray for deliverance, but it isn't going to happen. God doesn't care about insects. You have to make your own destiny. You won't. You are cowards. You are weak. You have turned flaws into virtues.
You are nothing.
In all your decadence you will grow fat and perish. Bin Laden is laughing his ass off at you. Ha Ha. It would be funny if I weren't stuck here too. We all go down together.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
You want easy answers. You don't want to know the truth. You want lies. You say otherwise, but actions speak louder than words. You want leaders who are liars. You sit in front of the T.V. pissing and moaning about a land that never existed. Your world is falling apart. You whine. You moan. But you won't do anything about it. You want someone else to solve your problems for you. They will, but you won't like it.
Ha Ha Chump.
The banks are going to take your house. The cops are going to kick in your door. You'll freeze, and no one will care. Drop dead. Loser.