Friday, February 22, 2008

D/L Shank - The Curse of Shank

D/L Shank - The Curse of Shank. Power Violence. "I'll shank your ass if you come near me." Truly a classic. I agree that it would be great to play like these guys. I even have a song inspired from my declaration of psychological warfare against the Seattle P.D. during 1999 WTO. (I knew I suceeded when several weeks later, as I was walking to my house, a pig on a motorcycle saw me and did such a double take that he almost hit my parked 1976 Chrysler Newport. I had to stop wearing my trade mark fedora.)

I can also relate to their hatred of labels (and their hatred in general). These guys need guns (too bad they're Scots).


Anonymous said...

Download link?

SRL said...