D.W.C.M. is the eighth track of The Politician E.P. by Drunk And Armed
Written by SRL with BHO
Vox - BHO
VOX - Mr. B. Ligerant, S.R.L. and introducing C.J.L.
Bass - S.R.L.
This song has the diversity of a box of saltine crackers!
(Pause layer at right)
Ogg Vorbis
This song has the diversity of a box of saltine crackers!
Hey dumb white cracker man
How are you liking The American plan?
Are you doing well?
When you can't even spell
Dumb as a rock
Around the clock
Laughing stock
Chicken hawk
Really, it's hard to say
In a similar way
just how stupid you are
Dumber than a sea star
I want to live in a fantasy land
I wanna live in dumb white cracker land
Mean, ignorant, stupid, greedy old white people are not the future.
living in a gated community is not a sign of freedom.
Hey dumb white cracker man
Your children all want to leave,
because you make them want to heave
I'm outta here
Conservatives:You are hated
You leave NO alternative to the Democrats
Better to open up the boarder
Than anything to do with you
You believed your own bullshit.
You think you are entitled.
Living in an echo box enable failure
Anything conservatives bring to attention is relegated to a ghetto
You are a joke
I wanna live in a fantasy
Hey dumb white cracker man
You travel with swine.
So your boots are covered in pig shit
Poor, but, loyal: what, is wrong, with, you?!
Victim of circumstance
You wear no pants
You cannot dance!
annuity in advance
minister of finance
My lies are not so blatant!
You are about to die
Indivisible by.
I want to live in a fantasy land
I wanna live in dumb white cracker land
Hey dumb white cracker man
hypnotic trance.
Nobody wants to hear about your stupid religion
Because it's your stupid religion
You enable the destruction of tradition and disbelief
This means nothing to me, but it does to you
Way to go, morons!
I want to live in a fantasy land
I wanna live in dumb white cracker land
Go away!
Nobody wants you
Nobody likes you
Go away!
Don't let the door hit you
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Drunk And Armed - Just Armed
Drunk And Armed - Just Armed
Track 1 of "2 Track E.P."
Written by SRL
Credits: SRL - Vox, Bass
Mr. B. Ligerant - Vox, Guitar
Geezer Boy - Keyboard
BHO - Drum
(Pause Player At Right)
Ogg Vorbis
Track 1 of "2 Track E.P."
Written by SRL
Credits: SRL - Vox, Bass
Mr. B. Ligerant - Vox, Guitar
Geezer Boy - Keyboard
BHO - Drum
(Pause Player At Right)
Ogg Vorbis
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